Bad Bunny has described his fourth album, as “a record to play in the summer, on the beach, as a playlist”. We created a series of films to showcase all the elements of a Puerto Ricans summer - sun, water, sky. We brought these elements to life through projections and a deeply immersive set, showing wherever Bad Bunny is, Puerto Rico follows.

Elements film -
Sky -
Water -

Rosalia’s third album Motomami is a love letter to the duality of women: the moto (fierce, tough, brazen) and the mami (tender, kind, soft). Biker culture also has this duality, from sexy pinups, to flaming skulls, to “I love you mom” tattoos. Acid Ambar, Spanish tattoo artist, designed a custom flash sheet inspired by songs from the album. Cherubic angels for Como Un G, a flor de sakura for Sakura, a sexy biker for Motomami, a scorpion for Diablo and a butterfly for Saoko.

For the 25th Anniversary of The Notorious B.I.G’s album Life After Death we referenced the 10 Crack Commandments and etched 10 lyrics to stone. A solomn rememberance of B.I.G.’s lasting musical impact, with lyrical wisdom that has stood the test of time.

